CEP Goals 2023-2024

2023-2024 School Wide CEP Goals WIGs (Wildly Important Goals)

 2023-2024 School Wide CEP Goals WIGs (Wildly Important Goals)


In alignment with the Chancellor’s Four Pillars, District 27 Foci, and the Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS), PS 64Q CEP Goals are:

  • Priority 1All students learn to read well - English Language Arts
    • By June 2024, there will be a 8% increase in K-2 students performing at or above proficiency, from 42% to 50%, as measured by K-2 Acadience Periodic Assessment.
    • By June 2024, there will be a 9% increase in Grades 3-5 students performing at or above proficiency, from 31% to 40%, as measured by MAP Growth Reading Assessment. 
  • Priority 2 - All students are physically and emotionally safe SEL
    • By June 2024,  student empowerment ratings by grade 5 students will increase by 7% from 88% to 95%, as measured by the Leader in Me MRA.
  • Priority 3All students have a high-quality academic experience - Mathematics 
    • By June 2024, there will be a 7% increase for all students performing at or above proficiency from 18% to 25%, as measured by MAP Growth MATH Assessment.

2023-2024 School Wide CEP Goals WIGs (Beginning of Year)

2023-2024 School Wide CEP Goals WIGs (Middle of Year)

2023-2024 School Wide CEP Goals WIGs (End Of Year)